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Custom Earplugs color assortment
Custom Hearing Protection Earplugs

A comfortable, custom made earmold provides better hearing protection. 

The custom mold is made from your ear impression, to fit your ear only, providing the best seal to prevent harmful sound levels from entering your ear.

The earmold is a duplicate of the ear impression.

Your custom hearing protection earplugs may be made either with the world famous Hocks Noise Filter® or as solid earplugs. 

Custom hearing protection is available in solid colors, swirled colors, translucent colors, translucent clear, with or without cords. See color chart below.

HOW-TO ORDER: information below
Custom Hocks Noise Braker® earplugs
Motorcycle Plugs sq.jpg

Motorcycle Plugs

Custom Hocks Noise Braker® Earplugs
  • The Custom Hocks Noise Braker® is hearing protection made from an ear impression, with the Hocks Noise Filter® inserted into the earmold. 

  • Reduces all sound to approximately speech level
  • No sounds over 80 dB will pass through the filter

  • Converts sonic energy into thermal energy by means of compression acceleration

  • For more information on Hocks Noise Brakers®:

    Filtered hearing protection earplugs allow the wearer to hear conversational level sound while protecting hearing

  • Price: $150.00 for a pair of earplugs in a solid color (additional cost for swirled colors and cord)

  • Motorcycle Plugs are Custom Hocks Noise Brakers® that are altered for comfort when wearing under a helmet

  • Price: $160.00 for a pair of earplugs in a solid color (additional cost for swirled colors and cord)

Solid Hearing Protection
Cremesicle Custom hearing protection plugs swirl orange and white
Custom hearing protection bright_pink-Solid Plugs
Custom Sleep Plugs
Solid Earplugs

The Solid earplug is made of silicone, a flexible, non-shrinking, durable material, offering maximum seal, comfort, and protection.  Full solid units block sound from entering the canal.  See color options below.   NRR 31

Price: $130.00 for solid color or clear

Price: $145.00 for 2-color swirl

Additional colors are $5.00 each. Example: 3-color swirl has a total cost of $150.00

(Solid plugs shown are 2-color swirl: orange & white)


Prevent leakage with a seal only available in custom units.  No swim mold can provide a 100% water-tight seal. However, a properly fitted mold will prevent most moisture from entering the ear.  They are recommended by swimming instructors and doctors for persons requiring protection of the outer ear.  Swim Plugs are made of silicone, a flexible, non-shrinking, durable material, offering maximum seal, comfort, and protection.

Price: $130.00 for solid color or clear

Price: $145.00 for 2-color swirl

Additional colors are $5.00 each. Example: 3-color swirl has a total cost of $150.00

The sleeping plug is a solid plug, but with the outer surface of the mold phantomed (scooped out) and the canal shortened slightly, for comfort when sleeping on the ear.

Price: $140.00 for solid color or clear

Price: $155.00 for 2-color swirl

Price: $160.00 for 3-color swirl

Swim Earplugs
Sleep Earplugs
Hocks Lab Hearing Protection Color Chart
Anchored Cord
  • Lanyard permanently attached to earplugs
  • Black woven nylon
  • $15.00
Pressure Fit Cord
  • Lanyard is removable and replaceable
  • PVC flexible plastic
  • $7.50

clear pressure fit earmold cord for earplugs
Earplug Permanent Anchored Cord

Step - By - Step Directions

Custom hearing protection requires individual impressions of the ear. If you are in the Portland area, we will take your ear impressions, at no additional charge. Please call us at 503-274-9482 or 1-800-654-6257 for an appointment.

How-To Order Hocks Noise Brakers®,
Solid Hearing Protection earplugs, Swim Plugs, & Sleep Plugs if a dealer is not listed in your area:

1. Call any local hearing specialist in your area that sells hearing aids, to have impressions taken of your ears. All hearing aid dealers can take ear impressions. Call around to compare prices and find out how much this will cost.
2. Give the hearing professional these instructions:
The finished impressions need to meet the following criteria:
- The concha is round and full
- The canal is past the 2nd bend
- The helix is filled in and complete
- The impression fills the ear cavity, including the tragus, concha and anti-helix
3. The impressions should be given to you in a small cardboard box and packed for protection. Write your name and phone number inside the box flap.
4. To send your impressions to Hocks Earmold Lab, use the Order Form and Mailing Label. Fill in the section for Hearing Protection Earpiece Options. 

Color and cording options are available for your custom hearing protection. If you do not indicate a color, your earmolds will be clear. Add any notes to the special instructions box on the order form.

Contact us with questions, or for the cost of your hearing protection at  1-800-654-6257 or 503-274-9482, or email using the Contact Us link.

When we receive your ear impressions, we will call you for your credit card information, and with any questions we may have about your order. After you send your impressions to us, or after we take your ear impressions, the earmold lab technicians use your impressions to create your protective and comfortable earplugs, made to fit your ears only. 
Color Options
Cord Options


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Custom hearing protection earplugs 3-color swirl


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Favorites from our Earmold Lab

Custom hearing protection PEPPERMINT_MOLDS
3-Color Swirl Custom Hearing Protection Erplugs
Custom hearing protection in Safety Orange and Safety Green
Custom hearing protection earplugs,Swirled red and black molds
Custom CAMO_EARPLUGS with clear cord
Custom hearing protection earplugs yellow solids
Custom hearing protection Translucent Pink EarMolds
Cappuccino Earmolds.jpg
Hearing Protection Earmolds color selection
Custom hearing protection ORANGE & WHITE MOLDS

3930 S Kelly Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97239
Veteran owned

Hearing Health House

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